Play KIND Initiative : Backpacks for Kids!


Back to School shopping was always a favorite activity of mine while growing up, so when the opportunity came up to give back by donating our time and money to a local program like Backpacks For Kids by The Calgary Board of Education, we jumped at the chance to help out!

We cut it close to the deadline, but managed to successfully pack FIVE backpacks just in time!

Madelyn had a blast picking out and counting to FIVE for each and every school supply needed. While I am not so sure that she was able to fully grasp the concept behind what we were actually doing, she did understand that we were giving the backpacks away as a special gift for other kids!


The Play KIND Initiative is a new program that we have created as a way to give back to our community, and simply help teach our daughter different and tangible ways to be kind! Together as a family, we will decide where, and how we can be the biggest help by using a portion of our previous month's profits from our children’s books about KINDNESS!

Something as simple as packing a backpack for a child whose parents cannot necessarily afford all of the supplies needed, is a SMALL act of kindness that can end up leaving a BIG impact.

Do you know a child who could benefit from the Play KIND Initiative?

Stay Kind,

Jacquelyn Stagg

Jacquelyn Stagg