The Play KIND Initiative


What is the Play KIND Initiative?

The Play KIND Initiative is a brand new program that we created as a way to give back to our community, and simply help teach our daughter different and tangible ways to be kind! We hope that you will follow along.

Why Play KIND?

A child’s world revolves around PLAY! It is one of the very first experiences they have where they can learn and practice how to be kind. We want to start there! 

How does it work?

At the beginning of each month, we will ask our community for a need of an act of kindness in a child’s life. Together as a family, we will decide where, and how we can be the biggest help by using a portion of our previous month's profits from our children’s books.

Is this for KIDS only?

Simply put, YES! Our hope is that teaching kindness at a young age will help build a kinder future for everyone. 

What this isn’t. 

As wonderful as it would be to solve something BIG, like end world hunger — that just isn’t what we are setting out to do. Our daughter is 3.5 years old and will be the main driver and decider behind the initiatives that we choose to support each month. We believe that simple acts of kindness can go a LONG way!

How can I get involved? 

Simple! Watch for opportunities to be kind in your own life. You do not need any money to show kindness. However, if you or your child see a situation where a small amount of financial support could make a BIG difference. Please reach out to us! 

Do you know a child who could benefit from the Play KIND Initiative?


Stay Kind,

Jacquelyn Stagg

Jacquelyn Stagg