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Kindness is the single most powerful thing that we can teach our children!


Jacquelyn Stagg

Children’s Book Author

A mother of two and a freelance graphic designer by trade, Jacquelyn Stagg set out to write a series of children's books on a topic near and dear to her heart. Kindness. She wholeheartedly believes that kindness is the single most powerful thing that we can teach our children. 

With over 100,000 copies sold worldwide, Jacquelyn hopes to further her impact by providing free resources for parents, teachers and caregivers that help get the conversation about kindness started. After all, kindness really does start with you!

This book is perfect for teaching to treat others how you want to be treated. “The Golden Rule” that we have always taught in our family.
— Sonia

Kindness Starts with You

Kindness Starts with You — At School

Play Kind — Acts of Kindness for Kids


Free Resource

Kindness BINGO



What's New

My daughter is 2 years old and it’s just the right level to introduce the most important concepts - helping, inclusion, showing respect, and showing that you care.
— Preschool mom

Free Resource

Kindness Prompts


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